Basic Money Management

It is important to stay in control of money and get as much from our money as we can. Youth should learn about the different ways to manage their money and the different tools and services available – including those from financial institutions. Youth should be aware of the different kinds of financial institutions and how they differ and how they compete. Youth should know why financial institutions pay interest on savings and charge interest on loans. Youth should know how to protect their personal financial information. Managing money and being able to handle spending, saving, banking, and various kinds of transactions well are  important skills for youth to develop.

Please Note: Teaching Units provided are for support and consideration by teachers and are not prescriptive.

Learning Map and Supports for Instruction

The “Learning Map” identifies teaching opportunities in Alberta’s curriculum for each topic and you will find them as part of the Support Teaching Materials provided here. Teachers can, of course, integrate the target areas of financial knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours anywhere they can find a fit. The Supports for Instruction provide videos, animations, and links to other resources to support teachers in their efforts to improve the financial literacy of their students.

Planning and Budgeting - Division III: Gr. 7-9


  • The various financial services and products available from financial institutions

  • Ways in which others can try and influence your money decisions

  • Spending uses money today, saving stores it for future use and can help achieve goals and be prepared for the unexpected

  • Why saving is important and the possible benefits from saving

  • Where and how money can be saved and the role of financial institutions

  • The advantages and disadvantages of credit cards

  • How to avoid penalties and fees when using credit cards

  • The different ways to pay for things

  • Why banks pay interest on savings and charge interest on loans


  • Track spending to know where their money is going

  • How to open and manage an account at a financial institution – including deposits and withdrawals

  • Use debit and credit cards safely

  • How and where to save money and compare options and competition

  • Use an ATM appropriately and safely

  • Protect their personal information and identity from possible access and misuse by others

  • Check and verify statements from their financial institutions

  • Develop a financial plan to achieve goals and be able to work with a budget


  • Avoid impulse buying, especially with a credit card

  • Compare fees, services, etc. of financial institutions before deciding on a financial institution

  • Compare features and fees when selecting a credit card

  • Pay bills on time and in full when possible

  • Use the services and products available from financial institutions wisely

  • Avoid use of cheque-cashing and payday loan operations and the high fees they charge

  • Consider whether something is needed or wanted before making a purchase

  • As possible, save some of their money for the future

  • Manages their money with a budget and plan

  • Take steps to keep their money and possessions safe