The Learning Framework identifies the money topics and target areas of financial knowledge, skills, and behaviours seen as important for youth.
Learning Outcome Guides are available for both Div. III (Gr. 7-9) and Div. IV (Gr. 10-12).
How to use the Framework
The Learning Framework contains everything you will need to incorporate key financial knowledge, skills, and behaviours into your normal coursework within the province of Alberta using an approach approved and supported by Alberta Education.
Click on a Theme to expand the associated Division III and Division IV topics within that theme. Once expanded, you can click on the Division topic you would like to focus on, and you will be taken to that topic page.
Within the topic page, you will find:
Learning Targets
These are the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours the particular topic looks to address and improve.
Learning Map
The Learning Map represents the “Integration Points” where you can add this information, as well as the “Outcomes” that can be addressed, and the “Supports for Instruction” that offer activities and resources to cover the material.