Developing Your Financial Literacy and Capability: The FinLit 101 Program
FinLit 101 is part of the Building Futures in Alberta program. You will find the link to the entire program on the Homepage. It is a new interactive, online financial literacy learning program for independent use by students or by teachers as a class support teaching tool. Some of the materials from FinLit 101 have been integrated into the lesson plans provided within this Framework.
Teachers can register their classes to participate as a group in discussions, post comments, etc., without anyone outside the class being able to view the discussion. Students and teachers can explore and use the FinLit 101 program as they wish. No support teaching materials are provided here for this topic as they are available in the FinLit 101 program. Teachers may choose to use the FinLit 101 program in its entirety or cover selected topics that relate to the Framework. So teachers can use FinLit 101 at their discretion or can assign it to their students for independent learning. See the link below to review the Modules and Topics covered in the FinLit101 program.
Learning Map and Supports for Instruction
FinLit 101 covers a wide range of topics so we are not providing any specific suggested curriculum integration targets here. Instead, teachers of virtually any subject at any grade level from grades 7-12 who wish to integrate financial education into their instruction should be able to find help within the FinLit 101 program.
Making Money Decisions - Division IV: Gr. 10-12