Finding, Getting, and Keeping a Job

Getting a job and earning an income is the primary way in which most people access the majority of money in their lives. In a world in which the worlds of work and workplace are changing so rapidly, it is crucial to help youth understand changes occurring in the workplace, the skills employers are seeking, and the jobs available – or that will be available in the future. With a good understanding of the changes in work, youth should be able to effectively explore education, training, and career options to align their career interests with labour market needs.

Please Note: Teaching Units provided are for support and consideration by teachers and are not prescriptive.

Learning Map and Supports for Instruction

The “Learning Map” identifies teaching opportunities in Alberta’s curriculum for each topic and you will find them as part of the Support Teaching Materials provided here. Teachers can, of course, integrate the target areas of financial knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours anywhere they can find a fit. The Supports for Instruction provide videos, animations, and links to other resources to support teachers in their efforts to improve the financial literacy of their students.

Careers and Jobs - Division III: Gr. 7-9


  • Ways to search for job opportunities

  • Changes taking place in the types of job available – and jobs that are disappearing

  • Growth in remote work and factors affecting one’s success in working remotely

  • Different ways people get paid for work – e.g., wages, salaries, contracts, gross vs. net pay, types of deductions, etc.

  • Various deductions that may be taken from a paycheque

  • Benefits that may be possible to earn from work

  • Factors affecting how much money one can get from different types of employment

  • Ways they can improve their ability to secure and sustain a job and to earn money from employment


  • Demonstrate a good work ethic that helps them to earn income

  • Be able to explore and consider a wide variety of occupations that provide an opportunity to earn money

  • Be able to identify sources of information regarding possible careers

  • How to develop a career plan

  • How to prepare a proper resume, prepare for a job interview, and handle themselves well in an interview


  • Value all forms of work

  • Use effective ways to search for a job

  • Build and use personal networks

  • Take care in planning their education, training, and career choices

  • Aim to find their passion and ways to apply their passion to a career

  • Appreciate things in life that do not require money